
A good deal of websites currently provide a technical look at works of art; it seems these resources are only growing.  Below is a list of useful sites, which will hopefully become more complete over time.

Sites With Static Technical Images

  • Bellini: Creating and Recreating An excellent, concise website with technical images, discussion of studio practice and more, focused on Giovanni Bellini.
  • Closer to Van Eyck Largely funded by the Getty Foundation, users can click through high resolution images of the Ghent Altarpiece to examine infra-red reflectographs, x-radiographs, etc., of the painted surfaces. 
  • Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts (NYU) A nice introduction to the studio practices of Giuliano Bugiardini through technical study of the Kress Collection paintings. 
  • Raphael Resource Project Hosted by the National Gallery, London, this site offers technical images, research and conservation information on various paintings by Raphael.  
  • Vermeer and Technique Another digital project developed and hosted by the National Gallery, London, this site focuses on technical information around four Vermeer works that are included in the exhibition “Vermeer and Music: The Art of Love and Leisure.”
  • University of Delaware’s Painting Reconstructions This Kress-funded project provides an invaluable resource for information about Old Master painting techniques.  The site offers a rich source of technical study and images and is appropriate for students at all levels.

Sites With Video Content

  • Art Babble Provides a wide range of video on various topics;  the conservation “channel” offers insight into more technical areas.
  • Conservation Reel This site contains videos devoted to conservation and collections care, with multiple areas of the field represented.  Professors looking for case studies to assign students will also find a good number of videos that may be appropriate.
  • The Getty The Museum’s video on Spanish polychrome sculpture is an excellent overview of technical process.
  • MoMA The Museum has several interesting videos and interactives, including several modern art master techniques demonstrated by Corey D’Augustine, as well as an intaglio print video.  It might be useful to browse through other videos they feature as well.
  • Youtube Though obvious, it is worthwhile to mention that You Tube has some very useful video, including several from the Getty on art making.

Professional Groups

  • The International Council on Museum’s Conservation Committee’s working group on technological sources, ATSR, hosts interim meetings where papers are given on a wide range of topics.


  • Conservation & Art Materials Encyclopedia Online (CAMEO) This truly exhaustive database is hosted by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and users can search by product name, material and more.
  • Pigments through the Ages A very useful website with historic and scientific summaries of various pigments; the site also provides a general timeline of usage.
  • The Forbes Pigment Database This database serves as an aggregator for technical and other information about the over 1000 pigments originally collected Edward Waldo Forbes, the former Director of the Fogg Art Museum (1909- 1945).  It is easily searched by pigment type.